Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We Saw the Heartbeat!

Today's appointment went perfect! I was SO nervous - I had pretty much convinced myself that things weren't going to work out. And then the more I dwelled on it, the more I kept imagining that I was cramping and having less pregnancy symptoms. So when I was waiting at the office, I was so nervous I seriously thought that I was going to be sick. I grabbed some kleenex while we were waiting for the doctor to come in and just prepared for getting bad news.

Once the doctor started the ultrasound, he could immediately see the baby. He showed us the heartbeat and it was so amazing to see it flickering on the screen and then to hear it beating. He said that the ultrasound looked perfect! The baby is measuring at 6 weeks, 6 days, which is a little ahead of what I thought I was at. It was seriously the most amazing thing to see. The only other time that I was far along enough to have an ultrasound, we only had bad news - I thought I was ten weeks, but the baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks, 3 days.

Our doctor recommended that we get back in touch with the genetic counselor again. She will review some testing options to see if there is any additional tests we want to do to make sure there are no birth defects. Even though they think that the problem with my chromosomes would lead to miscarriage over a birth defect, we are still at an increased risk.

I feel SO relieved that everything went okay. I know that we aren't out of the woods yet, but it feels good to be this far. DH really wants to tell our families, and I guess I am okay with it. We have told a few close friends, and we told my sister that is living with us. I guess at this point, we would want them to know if things changed and we had a miscarriage, so maybe we might as well tell them now? We'll see...


  1. Congratulations! That's great news!

  2. Yay for heartbeats! I'm so excited for you. Fantastic news!

  3. Great news - seeing the heartbeat is a huge milestone!

  4. I am so happy for you! It's so exciting that you got to see a heartbeat and everything appears to be going smoothly! (((Hugs)))

  5. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!! This is GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!


  6. Wow this is so amazing, so happy for you :)

  7. This is amazing news hon! Congrats!!

  8. Wow, how exciting! Congrats!! If you decide to tell people... it might help you stay optimistic to have people cheering for you & your LO. :)

  9. Woohoo! Yay for a hb! Oh, my goodness, how terribly exciting! And it really is such an amazing thing to see. I rememeber touching the screen, touching that little flickering heart, amazed it was inside me! I am so, so happy for you, and pray that things continue to go well :)

  10. Congratulations!!! I hope you don't mind, but I have a question for you. My DH and I are looking into adoption. We will probably have to adopt domestically because I have a history of clinical depression. We would like to adopt a healthy (no special needs) Caucasian infant/toddler. Could you please recommend some good adoption agencies to us? Please leave a comment on my blog or email me at suzannesteward69@yahoo.com Thanks :)
